coke zero

Today I had some groceries delivered. A discount code was left in my mailbox that made it worthwhile. Along with the usual avocados and salad mixes and fish filets, I ordered a twelve-pack of Coke Zero.

As someone becoming more-and-more weight conscious; someone attempting to exercise at least a little every day and eat a little better, Coke Zero may become my newest crutch.

Regular Coke has always been too sweet. Saccharine, even. And Diet Coke, though it has many defenders and fans, is an acquired taste. Coke Zero, however, is more like original Coke, but less sweet and with zero calories (according to the can). And being that most popular, zero-calorie seltzer drinks make me gag, Coke Zero has quite a big appeal.

Coke Zero is flavored with aspartame and acesulfame potassium. These ingredients have been put under heavy scrutiny over the years. I’ve heard they cause cancer, heart failure, blood clots, weight gain and disruption to the gut biome, which is a biological concept I’m not sure I fully understand. Conversely, some studies link them to supporting weight loss in conjunction with exercise and a relatively healthy diet.

To all this I say: most of what I eat is probably killing me anyways. I’m probably cutting a lot of tasty things out of my diet in the coming weeks. Few to no fried/greasy items. Less and less carbs. Only occasional desserts. And yes, most soda is poison. Most beverages are poison. But in the magic of Coke Zero, I find just a little bit of comfort. I will eat my salad and drink my smoothies and enjoy the routine of a cold, sweet, somehow calorie-free Coke Zero. I welcome this new addiction with open arms.

Jacob Derwin1 Comment