This morning, when I realized it was my first weekday without work to do in over a month, I decided I would walk to Win Son Bakery in Williamsburg. I’d heard a lot about it but never actually gone.

I ordered a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich on a Taiwanese milk bun and a cold brew. The coffee was smooth and fine. The sandwich was a revelation. I don’t order BECs particularly often. If I’m out-and-about and decide to grab a sandwich, it’s usually some version of a bagel with shmear. But this time: the slight-crispy bacon with a little chew, the generous helping of fried egg, the mild, gooey cheese holding it all together; but the real star was the softest, fluffiest, most satisfying bread I’ve ever tasted.

I’m a soft man. I don’t want to cut my gums up on hard, crusty bread or toasted crunchy bagels. Give me fresh, warm, and fluffy. I’m looking forward to buying this bread in bulk and figuring out what else I can stack on it.